Jazz composition and the electric bassist in the late 20th Century : A recording, a collection of performances, and an exegesis


Jazz composition and the electric bassist in the late 20th Century : A recording, a collection of performances, and an exegesis
This exegesis is tied to the CD, ‘Portrait of New York’ – an assortment of inventive musical compositions to explore diversity in electric jazz after 1970, and three multi-faceted live performances focused on electric bass from that period. It is an investigation that examines my journey, through the CD recording, three performances, transcription, analysis and research, utilising some pivotal contemporary jazz composers and electric bassists from the late twentieth century.
The University of Otago

Origine de la notice

Ce contenu a été déposé le 7 janvier 2022 par Manon Brimaud en utilisant le formulaire "Thèse" sur le site "BiblioJazz": https://bibliojazz-collegium-musicae.huma-num.fr/s/bibliojazz