Meer dan jazz (More than jazz)


Meer dan jazz (More than jazz)
We know jazz as the music style of improvisation. But how does the improvisator work to interact with his fellow musicians in real time? How are jazz music and movement inseparable? Jazz as 'music of the moment' and the technology of a fixed recording: an arranged marriage? How could jazz - blown over from America - become a measure of modernity in society and literature in Europe? And what about the role of European cities such as London? What exactly makes jazz so fascinating for its listeners? Which icons and well-kept secrets helped determine the development of the genre? Whoever reads this book, looks through a kaleidoscope at one of the most intriguing music genres of the 20th century. It highlights jazz from various angles: musicological, historical, sociological and in relation to other arts, such as literature and film. All contributions are based on current scientific research. And that is precisely what makes this work unique: after all, jazz can only count on research interest in the Dutch language area. The authors were selected on the basis of their specific expertise or are insiders in the world of jazz music, among others as musicians
Library of Congress ISBN
ML3506 .M39 2017