Sound at First Sight: Jam Sessions and Immigrants in Brooklyn, New York


Sound at First Sight: Jam Sessions and Immigrants in Brooklyn, New York
Jazz Perspectives
1749-4060, 1749-4079
This essay examines the incorporation of immigrant musicians in a jazz jam session in Brooklyn, New York. Migration scholars define incorporation as a dialectical process in which hosts and immigrants negotiate established social boundaries between “us” and “not us.” While the social dynamics of jam sessions have intrigued scholars since the 1950s, the interactions between immigrants and American-born musicians in jazz jam sessions have not been studied. Drawing on ethnographic participation as a bass player in a weekly jam session in Brooklyn, I analyze the ways musical competence is used to establish and negotiate social boundaries between immigrants and hosts. Ultimately, I argue that jam sessions privilege incorporation, allowing immigrant musicians to cross, blur and shift social boundaries between themselves and their American-born peers.
Sound at First Sight
2019-04-30T21:42:43Z (Crossref)