From Chart to Reality The Editorial Role of the Pianist in a Big Band


From Chart to Reality The Editorial Role of the Pianist in a Big Band
Jazz Education Journal
49-52, 54-55
Within the context of a jazz ensemble, there is considerable interpretive leeway for each member of the group
when approaching the written music. The rhythm players, the drummer, and bassist have more musical freedom
because there is usually just one of eaWithin the context of a jazz ensemble, there is considerable interpretive leeway for each member of the group
when approaching the written music. The rhythm players, the drummer, and bassist have more musical freedom
because there is usually just one of each musician in the section, whereas the horn player is usually bound to the
written music. The role of the pianist in a big band ensemble is important because the pianist must straddle both
sides, to play the piece as it is written on the page, and to change the piece as needed to better interact with the
rest of the musicians.
Instruments, formats d'orchestre