Economic Impact Assessment for Manchester Jazz Festival 2013


Economic Impact Assessment for Manchester Jazz Festival 2013
The report estimates that Manchester Jazz Festival 2013 has generated the following new money:
Audience expenditure: £985,126.58
Attendee expenditure: £13,175.64
Direct economic impact: £1,000,428.22
Together, MJF reported receiving total funding of £145,595, including £29,100 of local funding and £90,146 from Arts Council England. For the public sector investment, this suggests that each £1 of support of generated £6.87 of new income into Manchester City. On the local side, £1 of local funding could contribute £3.68 of new income to the organisation. All of these figures represent a good return for the public sector investment ...According to statistics, 31.3% of the audiences were local residents, whilst the rest (68.7%)came from outside Manchester City. As for artists, 21.5% of the artists were local performers while the rest came from outside the region
University of Manchester